using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; // This is actually OUTSIDE of the Utils Class public enum BoundsTest { center, // Is the center of the GameObject on screen onScreen, // Are the bounds entirely on screen offScreen // Are the bounds entirely off screen } public class Utils : MonoBehaviour { //============================ Bounds Functions ============================\ // Creates bounds that encapsulate of the two Bounds passed in. public static Bounds BoundsUnion( Bounds b0, Bounds b1 ) { // If the size of one of the bounds is, ignore that one if ( && b1.size! ) { return( b1 ); } else if ( b0.size! && ) { return( b0 ); } else if ( && ) { return( b0 ); } // Stretch b0 to include the b1.min and b1.max b0.Encapsulate(b1.min); b0.Encapsulate(b1.max); return( b0 ); } public static Bounds CombineBoundsOfChildren(GameObject go) { // Create an empty Bounds b Bounds b = new Bounds(,; // If this GameObject has a Renderer Component... if (go.renderer != null) { // Expand b to contain the Renderer's Bounds b = BoundsUnion(b, go.renderer.bounds); } // If this GameObject has a Collider Component... if (go.collider != null) { // Expand b to contain the Collider's Bounds b = BoundsUnion(b, go.collider.bounds); } // Iterate through each child of this gameObject.transform foreach( Transform t in go.transform ) { // Expand b to contain their Bounds as well b = BoundsUnion( b, CombineBoundsOfChildren( t.gameObject ) ); } return( b ); } // Make a static read-only public property camBounds static public Bounds camBounds { get { // if _camBounds hasn't been set yet if (_camBounds.size == { // SetCameraBounds using the default Camera SetCameraBounds(); } return( _camBounds ); } } // This is the private static field that camBounds uses static private Bounds _camBounds; public static void SetCameraBounds(Camera cam=null) { // If no Camera was passed in, use the main Camera if (cam == null) cam = Camera.main; // This makes a couple important assumptions about the camera!: // 1. The camera is Orthographic // 2. The camera is at a rotation of R:[0,0,0] // Make Vector3s at the topLeft and bottomRight of the Screen coords Vector3 topLeft = new Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ); Vector3 bottomRight = new Vector3( Screen.width, Screen.height, 0 ); // Convert these to world coordinates Vector3 boundTLN = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint( topLeft ); Vector3 boundBRF = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint( bottomRight ); // Adjust the z to be at the near and far Camera clipping planes boundTLN.z += cam.nearClipPlane; boundBRF.z += cam.farClipPlane; // Find the center of the Bounds Vector3 center = (boundTLN + boundBRF)/2f; _camBounds = new Bounds( center, ); // Expand _camBounds to encapsulate the extents. _camBounds.Encapsulate( boundTLN ); _camBounds.Encapsulate( boundBRF ); } // Test to see whether Bounds are on screen. public static Vector3 ScreenBoundsCheck(Bounds bnd, BoundsTest test = { // Call the more generic BoundsInBoundsCheck with camBounds as bigB return( BoundsInBoundsCheck( camBounds, bnd, test ) ); } // Tests to see whether lilB is inside bigB public static Vector3 BoundsInBoundsCheck( Bounds bigB, Bounds lilB, BoundsTest test = BoundsTest.onScreen ) { // Get the center of lilB Vector3 pos =; // Initialize the offset at [0,0,0] Vector3 off =; switch (test) { // The center test determines what off (offset) would have to be applied to lilB to move its center back inside bigB case // if the center is contained, return if ( bigB.Contains( pos ) ) { return( ); } // if not contained, find the offset if (pos.x > bigB.max.x) { off.x = pos.x - bigB.max.x; } else if (pos.x < bigB.min.x) { off.x = pos.x - bigB.min.x; } if (pos.y > bigB.max.y) { off.y = pos.y - bigB.max.y; } else if (pos.y < bigB.min.y) { off.y = pos.y - bigB.min.y; } if (pos.z > bigB.max.z) { off.z = pos.z - bigB.max.z; } else if (pos.z < bigB.min.z) { off.z = pos.z - bigB.min.z; } return( off ); // The onScreen test determines what off would have to be applied to keep all of lilB inside bigB case BoundsTest.onScreen: // find whether bigB contains all of lilB if ( bigB.Contains( lilB.min ) && bigB.Contains( lilB.max ) ) { return( ); } // if not, find the offset if (lilB.max.x > bigB.max.x) { off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.max.x; } else if (lilB.min.x < bigB.min.x) { off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.min.x; } if (lilB.max.y > bigB.max.y) { off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.max.y; } else if (lilB.min.y < bigB.min.y) { off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.min.y; } if (lilB.max.z > bigB.max.z) { off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.max.z; } else if (lilB.min.z < bigB.min.z) { off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.min.z; } return( off ); // The offScreen test determines what off would need to be applied to move any tiny part of lilB inside of bigB case BoundsTest.offScreen: // find whether bigB contains any of lilB bool cMin = bigB.Contains( lilB.min ); bool cMax = bigB.Contains( lilB.max ); if ( cMin || cMax ) { return( ); } // if not, find the offset if (lilB.min.x > bigB.max.x) { off.x = lilB.min.x - bigB.max.x; } else if (lilB.max.x < bigB.min.x) { off.x = lilB.max.x - bigB.min.x; } if (lilB.min.y > bigB.max.y) { off.y = lilB.min.y - bigB.max.y; } else if (lilB.max.y < bigB.min.y) { off.y = lilB.max.y - bigB.min.y; } if (lilB.min.z > bigB.max.z) { off.z = lilB.min.z - bigB.max.z; } else if (lilB.max.z < bigB.min.z) { off.z = lilB.max.z - bigB.min.z; } return( off ); } return( ); } //============================ Transform Functions ============================\ // This function will iteratively climb up the transform.parent tree // until it either finds a parent with a tag != "Untagged" or no parent public static GameObject FindTaggedParent(GameObject go) { // If this gameObject has a tag if (go.tag != "Untagged") { // then return this gameObject return(go); } // If there is no parent of this Transform if (go.transform.parent == null) { // We've reached the end of the line with no interesting tag // So return null return( null ); } // Otherwise, recursively climb up the tree return( FindTaggedParent( go.transform.parent.gameObject ) ); } // This version of the function handles things if a Transform is passed in public static GameObject FindTaggedParent(Transform t) { return( FindTaggedParent( t.gameObject ) ); } //============================ Materials Functions ============================ // Returns a list of all Materials in this GameObject or its children static public Material[] GetAllMaterials( GameObject go ) { List mats = new List(); if (go.renderer != null) { mats.Add(go.renderer.material); } foreach( Transform t in go.transform ) { mats.AddRange( GetAllMaterials( t.gameObject ) ); } return( mats.ToArray() ); } //============================ Linear Interpolation ============================ // The standard Vector Lerp functions in Unity don't allow for extrapolation // (which is input u values <0 or >1), so we need to write our own functions static public Vector3 Lerp (Vector3 vFrom, Vector3 vTo, float u) { Vector3 res = (1-u)*vFrom + u*vTo; return( res ); } // The same function for Vector2 static public Vector2 Lerp (Vector2 vFrom, Vector2 vTo, float u) { Vector2 res = (1-u)*vFrom + u*vTo; return( res ); } // The same function for float static public float Lerp (float vFrom, float vTo, float u) { float res = (1-u)*vFrom + u*vTo; return( res ); } //============================ Bézier Curves ============================ // While most Bézier curves are 3 or 4 points, it is possible to have // any number of points using this recursive function // This uses the Utils.Lerp function because it needs to allow extrapolation static public Vector3 Bezier( float u, List vList ) { // If there is only one element in vList, return it if (vList.Count == 1) { return( vList[0] ); } // Otherwise, create vListR, which is all but the 0th element of vList // e.g. if vList = [0,1,2,3,4] then vListR = [1,2,3,4] List vListR = vList.GetRange(1, vList.Count-1); // And create vListL, which is all but the last element of vList // e.g. if vList = [0,1,2,3,4] then vListL = [0,1,2,3] List vListL = vList.GetRange(0, vList.Count-1); // The result is the Lerp of these two shorter Lists Vector3 res = Lerp( Bezier(u, vListL), Bezier(u, vListR), u ); return( res ); } // This version allows an Array or a series of Vector3s as input static public Vector3 Bezier( float u, params Vector3[] vecs ) { return( Bezier( u, new List(vecs) ) ); } // The same two functions for Vector2 static public Vector2 Bezier( float u, List vList ) { // If there is only one element in vList, return it if (vList.Count == 1) { return( vList[0] ); } // Otherwise, create vListR, which is all but the 0th element of vList // e.g. if vList = [0,1,2,3,4] then vListR = [1,2,3,4] List vListR = vList.GetRange(1, vList.Count-1); // And create vListL, which is all but the last element of vList // e.g. if vList = [0,1,2,3,4] then vListL = [0,1,2,3] List vListL = vList.GetRange(0, vList.Count-1); // The result is the Lerp of these two shorter Lists Vector2 res = Lerp( Bezier(u, vListL), Bezier(u, vListR), u ); return( res ); } // This version allows an Array or a series of Vector2s as input static public Vector2 Bezier( float u, params Vector2[] vecs ) { return( Bezier( u, new List(vecs) ) ); } // The same two functions for float static public float Bezier( float u, List vList ) { // If there is only one element in vList, return it if (vList.Count == 1) { return( vList[0] ); } // Otherwise, create vListR, which is all but the 0th element of vList // e.g. if vList = [0,1,2,3,4] then vListR = [1,2,3,4] List vListR = vList.GetRange(1, vList.Count-1); // And create vListL, which is all but the last element of vList // e.g. if vList = [0,1,2,3,4] then vListL = [0,1,2,3] List vListL = vList.GetRange(0, vList.Count-1); // The result is the Lerp of these two shorter Lists float res = Lerp( Bezier(u, vListL), Bezier(u, vListR), u ); return( res ); } // This version allows an Array or a series of floats as input static public float Bezier( float u, params float[] vecs ) { return( Bezier( u, new List(vecs) ) ); } // The same two functions for Quaternion static public Quaternion Bezier( float u, List vList ) { // If there is only one element in vList, return it if (vList.Count == 1) { return( vList[0] ); } // Otherwise, create vListR, which is all but the 0th element of vList // e.g. if vList = [0,1,2,3,4] then vListR = [1,2,3,4] List vListR = vList.GetRange(1, vList.Count-1); // And create vListL, which is all but the last element of vList // e.g. if vList = [0,1,2,3,4] then vListL = [0,1,2,3] List vListL = vList.GetRange(0, vList.Count-1); // The result is the Slerp of these two shorter Lists // It's possible that Quaternion.Slerp may clamp u to [0..1] :( Quaternion res = Quaternion.Slerp( Bezier(u, vListL), Bezier(u, vListR), u ); return( res ); } // This version allows an Array or a series of floats as input static public Quaternion Bezier( float u, params Quaternion[] vecs ) { return( Bezier( u, new List(vecs) ) ); } //============================ Trace & Logging Functions ============================ static public void tr(params object[] objs) { string s = objs[0].ToString(); for (int i=1; i0) { rem = n % 1000; div = n / 1000; rems = rem.ToString(); while (div>0 && rems.Length<3) { rems = "0"+rems; } // TODO: I think there must be a faster way to concatenate strings. Maybe I could do this with an array or something if (res == "") { res = rems; } else { res = rems + "," + res.ToString(); } n = div; } if (res == "") res = "0"; return( res ); } } //============================ Easing Classes ============================ [System.Serializable] public class EasingCachedCurve { public List curves = new List(); public List mods = new List(); } public class Easing { static public string Linear = ",Linear|"; static public string In = ",In|"; static public string Out = ",Out|"; static public string InOut = ",InOut|"; static public string Sin = ",Sin|"; static public string SinIn = ",SinIn|"; static public string SinOut = ",SinOut|"; static public Dictionary cache; // This is a cache for the information contained in the complex strings // that can be passed into the Ease function. The parsing of these // strings is most of the effort of the Ease function, so each time one // is parsed, the result is stored in the cache to be recalled much // faster than a parse would take. // Need to be careful of memory leaks, which could be a problem if several // million unique easing parameters are called static public float Ease( float u, params string[] curveParams ) { // Set up the cache for curves if (cache == null) { cache = new Dictionary(); } float u2 = u; foreach ( string curve in curveParams ) { // Check to see if this curve is already cached if (!cache.ContainsKey(curve)) { // If not, parse and cache it EaseParse(curve); } // Call the cached curve u2 = EaseP( u2, cache[curve] ); } return( u2 ); /* // It's possible to pass in several comma-separated curves string[] curvesA = curves.Split(','); foreach (string curve in curvesA) { if (curve == "") continue; //string[] curveA = } } //string[] curve = func.Split(','); foreach (string curve in curves) { } string[] funcSplit; foreach (string f in funcs) { funcSplit = f.Split('|'); } */ } static private void EaseParse( string curveIn ) { EasingCachedCurve ecc = new EasingCachedCurve(); // It's possible to pass in several comma-separated curves string[] curves = curveIn.Split(','); foreach (string curve in curves) { if (curve == "") continue; // Split each curve on | to find curve and mod string[] curveA = curve.Split('|'); ecc.curves.Add(curveA[0]); if (curveA.Length == 1 || curveA[1] == "") { ecc.mods.Add(float.NaN); } else { float parseRes; if ( float.TryParse(curveA[1], out parseRes) ) { ecc.mods.Add( parseRes ); } else { ecc.mods.Add( float.NaN ); } } } cache.Add(curveIn, ecc); } static public float Ease( float u, string curve, float mod ) { return( EaseP( u, curve, mod ) ); } static private float EaseP( float u, EasingCachedCurve ec ) { float u2 = u; for (int i=0; i